Welcome to Jo's Glass Magazine
In Glass Magazine Jo will share news in of her exciting glass projects along with articles featuring other glass artists that Jo admires.
What Lies Beneath
Jo is thrilled to have received an Arts Council Award for her "What Lies Beneath" series.
It all began with a simple idea fuelled by a deep passion for glass. Jo creates these art works at the furnace, inspired by exploring rock pools.
Such a simple childhood pleasure revisited, Jo finds a contemplative quality in the activity of poking around in rock pools, feels the joy of exploring and the excitement of discovery under each pebble.
The "What Lies Beneath" series encourages the viewer to look a little deeper into the pieces and perhaps feel a little of that childlike excitement making their own discoveries.
Road trip to Scotland
A skilled craftsman was needed to cut and polish the "What Lies Beneath" series. Gordon Taylor has amazing skills so Jo paid him a visit in Scotland to discuss the project. It didn't take long for the pair to become firm friends.
Hold the front page
The Yorkshire Post did Jo proud with the front page of their magazine and a three page article . Fantastic coverage in the first of a number of pieces published as press interest took her by surprise.